TENX’s Equities Long/Short business seeks to generate alpha using a fundamental, bottom-up approach to analyzing the relative prospects of companies.
Our teams invest across a variety of sectors and are supported by our advanced trading, execution, research and technology teams.
Equities portfolios are constructed in accordance with TENX’s risk framework, which seeks to minimize market and factor impact, while deploying capital into ideas with the highest odds of success.
TENX’s Macro teams seek to capitalize on opportunities in all market environments through a diversified mix of complementary strategies. Our investment teams are balanced across Directional, Relative Value and Semi-Systematic Strategies in order to help us to stay on the offensive during periods of market
Our Risk Management team partners directly with our portfolio managers to provide insight and data analysis in addition to ongoing risk monitoring. We seek to deliver the best in class returns while managing volatility through a multi-dimensional risk framework.
Collaboration is a critical part of our investment process. We aim to harness the talent, expertise, and insights of our global teams to identify and capture opportunities across a range of geographies and asset classes.
Equities Arbitrage
TENX’s Equities Arbitrage teams focus on uncorrelated equity investment opportunities in Event and Arbitrage Strategies. The investment teams employ active risk management techniques and a sophisticated research process to identify opportunities within these markets. With access to TENX’s experts across Execution and Middle Back Office, oversight from the Equity Management team, and training and analytics from our Portfolio Development team, we can take advantage of synergies between the Equities Arbitrage & Equities Long/Short Strategies.
Equities Arbitrage Portfolio Managers are fully integrated into the broader TENX Equities Platform and we encourage collaboration and Portfolio Manager discussions across teams. This enables deep knowledge across the strategy and strengthens our ability to generate diversified ideas.
TENX’s Commodities teams seek to generate alpha and provide diversified return streams for our investors by investing across all liquid, financially-traded commodities products in multiple geographies. Our Portfolio Manager have extensive industry knowledge and experience in investing through multiple commodities cycles. They are specialized across products, regions, and sub-strategies.
We use TENX’s technology, infrastructure, and the Data Intelligence Group to provide our Investment Teams with advanced tools. These resources facilitate screening of opportunities and optimize capital deployment.
Collaboration with Equities and Macro Teams provide industry knowledge to supplement the forecast of physical supply demand balances. Through research, information-gathering, and data sharing, we create synergies across investment strategies.
TENX’s Credit teams seek to generate absolute returns through both relative value and event-driven investing. Our experienced, sector-focused teams identify opportunities in liquid global credit markets across asset classes and geographies. Our portfolios are constructed to adjust to market conditions, in order to help enable our teams to extract value throughout the credit cycle.